Saturday 28 May 2016

The Gift "Phil Heath' Olympia Meal Plan

The Gift "Phil Heath'  Olympia DIET Plan

The 5x Mr olympia's off-season diet is all about adding tons of muscle while staying lean. Here'’s what Phil heath's typical day of eating might include:

6 egg whites, 1 cup Cream of Wheat, 8 oz. water
8 oz. top round steak, 2 cups white rice, broccoli
8 oz. chicken breast, 2 cups brown rice, asparagus
60 g protein/150 g carbohydrate shake
8 oz. top round steak, 11⁄2 cups white rice, spinach
8 oz. tilapia fish, broccoli


  1.  Salmon steak
  2.  Chicken breast
  3.  Egg whites
  4.  Broccoli 
  5.  Oatmeal
  6.  Brown rice
  7.  White rice
  8.  Cream of Wheat
  9.  Sushi hand rolls (salmon, preferably)
DID YOU KNOW? There are 50 gms of protein in an 8-oz. top round steak.



You should know how to keep yourself hydrated and recognize signs of problem. With hot and sweaty weather on the way.

1.Odds Are You’re Dehydrated Now:

Under-hydration is a huge problem, especially when you workout intensely. Numerous studies suggest that before a game, even elite fitness athletes can be under-hydrated.

2.Drink Every 15 mins While Working Out:

Good hydration means drinking about 64 oz or 2 liters per day. Even if you don’t sweat a lot, if you do intense workout you should drink a further 4–6 oz of water every 15 minutes of your workout.

3.The Urine Test Is Still No. 1:

Your pee should always be pale yellow. If during or after a workout you’re not peeing a lot—young guys urinate about six times a day on average, usually every three to four hours—or your pee is dark yellow, you’re not properly hydrated.

4. Additional Protein Is Fine If You’re Hydrated:

I’m not against supplementing with protein, but guys who are physically fit should know that excess protein can put a significant load on their kidneys if they’re dehydrated.

If you are an active athlete and not keeping adequately hydrated, consuming more than the recommended 1 gram per pound of body weight daily can increase your risk for kidney problems. But consuming protein after an intense workout can aid muscle healing. Bottom line: Protein supplements are fine, just make sure you’re very well hydrated when you take them.

5.Only Worry About Kidney Stones Later In Life:

Stones are rare in young adults, but can form from dehydration, too much animal protein, a salty diet, or diuretic abuse. Young guys have some natural buffers. That changes once you pass 40. The average 25- or 30-year-old doesn’t need to see a urologist unless his numbers are off or his physician spots something.

6. Know Your Kidney Numbers:

Young guys should get a general physical checkup at least every other year, if not annually, for routine blood tests that look at kidney function. If the kidneys are normal, it’s very hard to damage them. But if a kidney isn’t working perfectly—and many kidney diseases are symptom-less; you can put additional stress on the organ. So I recommend getting a checkup before upping your protein intake, especially if you’re doing it for a big athletic contest, like a triathlon. Typical symptoms of bad kidney function are swelling, fatigue, and upset stomach or digestion issues. If your urine turns foamy or dark brown or red, call your doctor.

7. Plain Water Is Still The Best Sports Drink:

Sports drinks are fine for replacing amino acids and electrolytes after an intense 6 hour bike ride or a multi-hour run. But even then, one drink is more than enough. Plus, it’s rare to need a lot of extra salt unless you’re doing a marathon or something similar.

Water should always be your primary therapy, so ensure that the majority of your fluids come from water—not coffee, not tea/iced tea, not fruit juices. Otherwise you’re in for a stone.

Saturday 21 May 2016

11 Awesome Benefits Of Taking L-Carnitine!

11 Awesome Benefits Of Taking L-Carnitine!

L-carnitine is produced in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Whatever your bodybuilding and fitness goals are, losing fat or gaining muscle, your odds of success will increase greatly if you have l-carnitine in your supp arsenal. Studies discovering how carnitine works were being done way back to 1937. Let's take a look at a number of the benefits that l-carnitine can have on your goals and your health.


If you are looking to get lean, then this is the amino acid you need. L-carnitine transfers long-chain fatty acids, such as triglycerides into mitochondria, where they may be oxidized to produce energy. Carnitine has also been shown to reduce fatigue and serve as an appetite suppressant as well. Therefore, l-carnitine would be a major asset to have in your arsenal when you are dieting. It not only will help keep your body from storing fat, but it will increase your aerobic capacity to help you burn more calories.


L-carnitine is also a great weapon for hard-gainers looking to pack on muscle. Supplementing with l-carnitine can help you increase your strength and heavier weights mean bigger muscles in the long run.


Aging bone loss is a major concern of many senior citizens and post-menopausal women. Of course this can lead to increased chances of fractures, osteoporosis, and arthritis among other bone diseases. Fortunately, by taking l-carnitine, you can slow down the bone loss process and improve bone micro structural properties by decreasing bone turnover.


Carnitine is primarily used for heart-related conditions. Several clinical trials show that L-carnitine can be used along with conventional treatment for angina to reduce the needs for medicine and improve the ability of those with angina to exercise without chest pain or discomfort. Some studies have determined that taking l-carnitine after a heart attack decreases the chances of suffering another one later. Carnitine has actually been given to help treat people with heart disease.


Your kidneys produce carnitine so naturally when people have been diagnosed or may have kidney disease, carnitine is recommended to help make up for the deficiency of carnitine that your kidneys aren't producing.


For those men that have been trying to have children and have low sperm counts, carnitine has been suggested and shown to help improve both sperm count and quality sperm.


New mothers who choose to breast feed normally do so in part because of the number of calories it burns, but one side effect is it lowers your body's amount of carnitine. Even though you are sufficient in it while you are pregnant, taking extra carnitine can help prevent your body from being deficient. Combining both the breast feeding and the carnitine means that new moms will lose that baby weight faster.


People that have Type II diabetes can also benefit from carnitine supplementation. Taking L-carnitine helps diabetics by increasing glucose oxidation, glucose storage, as well as glucose uptake.


L-carnitine serves as an antioxidant that can help prevent damage done to your healthy cells by free radicals. This can help you out when you have a cold or are dealing with various seasonal allergies and training.


Seniors that can use something to help improve brain function has more than just gingko biloba to take. L-carnitine helps protect the brain from both age related and stress related damage to the brain which helps it function longer and better.


Although it may not be a bodybuilding issue, there are thousands of documented cases of valproic acid ingested every year. Despite not being able to serve as a total antidote on its own, taking l-carnitine is considered to help you if for some reason you do suffer from this dangerous poisoning.


Valproic acid (VPA) is a chemical compound that has found clinical use as an anti-convulsant and mood-stabilizing drug, primarily in the treatment of epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and, less commonly, major depression. It is also used to treat migraine headaches and schizophrenia.


Generally, taking a range of two to four grams of l-carnitine a day is good for general health and to help you reach your fitness goals. L-carnitine does come in capsules, tablets, and liquid form. There are many types of carnitine products found at the store. If you would rather try to take it through your food, there are many food sources that contain carnitine. Red meats and dairy products are your best choices for carnitine, but other great foods include nuts, seeds, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, garlic, mustard greens, okra, parsley, kale, apricots, bananas, bee pollen, brewer's yeast, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal, rice bran, rye, and whole wheat.



















So make sure that you give some consideration to this supplement. It definitely comes with a wide number of benefits that you should be taking advantage of.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Caffeine: Helpful Or Harmful?

Caffeine: Helpful Or Harmful?

If you have ever had a mug of coffee, a soft drink, a cup of tea, or a piece of chocolate, you’ve sampled probably the most common and widely used drugs on the planet, caffeine.

According to the accepted definition, caffeine is a drug. Caffeine has many beneficial properties including treating headaches. The biggest risks linked to caffeine are with pregnant women. Everybody takes drugs. That statement could be shocking to a lot of people. And yet, if they have ever had coffee, a soft drink, a cup of tea, or a piece of chocolate, they have sampled probably the most common and widely used drugs in the world, caffeine.

Is Caffeine A Drug?

Some may object, arguing that caffeine isn't a drug. However, medical professionals agree that the term "drug" can accurately be defined as any compound that is capable of altering mood, perception, or thought. Despite its reputation, many health professionals have, in the past, and continue to, raise questions as to whether caffeine is helpful or harmful. Therefore, what are the risks versus the benefits for those who consume foods containing caffeine?

Is Caffeine Helpful Or Harmful?

Studies have proven that caffeine has positive effects on the respiratory system. Caffeine has been shown to help reduce asthma symptoms, "because caffeine is a chemical cousin of the prescription asthma drug theophylline, which widens the airways leading to the lungs".

Caffeine can also have a very positive effect on the blood vessels of the brain, which, when swollen, can cause painful throbbing. Because caffeine works to constrict these blood vessels, it can reduce or even remove the pain caused by headaches.

"Drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages might be linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetesstated the January 10 edition of the Lancet. A study of 126,000 men and women was conducted, and results showed that those who consumed little or no caffeine were, says the Lancet, "more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who consumed more caffeinated drinks."

Another advantage of caffeine is its apparent ability to prevent or stop the spreading of skin cancer. Researchers in the United States achieved these results by testing mice with skin tumors. After caffeine was rubbed on the skin of these mice, researchers found that caffeine effectively killed cancer cells without damaging any of the surrounding skin.

The Risks Of Caffeine:

It appears as though the risks of caffeine are somewhat limited. Women are the most at risk because the primary dangers of caffeine consumption are associated with the conception and development of unborn children.

The Marie Claire magazine writes, "Women who consume 250 mg of caffeine daily (that's two to three cups of coffee) have been shown to take slightly longer to conceive," and that, "During pregnancy, consuming the caffeine in five or more cups of coffee a day doubles your risk of miscarriage."

Consuming Caffeine In 5 Or More Cups Of Coffee A Day Doubles Your Risk Of Miscarriage:

Consuming The Caffeine In Five Or More Cups Of Coffee A Day Doubles Your Risk Of Miscarriage.

Caffeine also appears to be an addictive substance. USA Today argues that, "Although psychological dependence on caffeine has yet to be widely documented, a physical dependence upon the drug is very evident" (p. 4). Caffeine dependence can be seen if a person consumes as little as 100 mg. a day, and then tries to stop taking in caffeine.

USA Today continues by showing that withdrawal symptoms, "which includes headache, weakness, inability to concentrate, and even sickness and vomiting" can be experienced by those trying to break the addiction.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Ronnie Coleman's Legs Workout

Ronnie Coleman's Ultimate Legs Workout

Ever thought about how come the 8x Mr. Olympia build those sets of 'Freaky, Larger-than-life, King Sized Legs'. Your search ends here. Below is the Complete Legs Routine followed by the "King" Ronnie Coleman:

  • Barbell Squat Barbell Squat


    3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Barbell Hack Squat Barbell Hack Squat


    3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Leg Extensions Leg Extensions


    3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Standing Leg Curl Standing Leg Curl


    3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Lying Leg Curls Lying Leg Curls


    3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Seated Leg Curl Seated Leg Curl


    3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Seated Leg Curl Seated Leg Curl


    3 sets of 15-20 reps, each leg
  • Seated Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise
    3 sets of 15-20 reps

Monday 16 May 2016

Develop Gigantic Trapezius: 5 Steps To Bigger Traps

Develop Gigantic Trapezius: 5 Steps To Bigger Traps

You may have the biggest arms on the earth, but if they're not coupled with some boulder shoulders or thick, tall traps, you're going to look silly. Build the traps you want with these 5 movements!

Yeah you notice the guys with the full-size arms, but you're mesmerized by the guys with the big traps. You know damn well they put in their time and didn't miss their workouts because they were too "tired." You commend them for their ability to grow those hills on their shoulders and secretly covet a flexed pair.

If your body resembles that of a bobblehead toy, get ready to take some notes. Trap training is not for the faint of heart. It takes real effort and guts.

Not everyone agrees about which day is perfect for trapezius training. Some say shoulder day, and others say back day. If truth be told, you're going to hit your traps on both of these days; but if you want my personal opinion, I find I am able to better concentrate on my traps while I train shoulders. My back day is usually centered on my mid-back and lats. On shoulder day, on the other hand, I get to contract my traps for added benefit.

To build those big-boy traps, here are some of my favorite exercises. Add two of these 5 movements to your regular shoulder routine:



You can perform this using a straight Olympic bar, dumbbells, the diamond/hex/trap bar, or even cables. The type of weight you use doesn't matter, but how you perform the movement is what separates the men from the boys.

Obviously, I like the heavy volume approach. Picking the correct weight is the trick: let's say you can deadlift that bar 10 times but the 11th rep would be ridiculously taxing and almost unachievable. If this is the case, then I believe you have the correct weight.

Once you select a weight, pick up the bar and then let it hang so you can feel a stretch in your neck and traps. You should feel some pulling, but no discomfort. When you pull up on the bar, make sure you focus hard on your traps. Don't use your triceps or biceps and try to limit your shoulder involvement. Use that mind-muscle connection. At the top of the movement, squeeze those traps.

This amount of volume is tough, but you're in this for the long haul. You may need a cheer leading squad to help you finish. Once you complete the first 50 reps, pat yourself on the back and regroup for the next two sets.


Grab an Olympic bar and add weight that's about 50 percent more than you would use on a strict-form upright row. Grasp the bar with an under-hand grip with your hands a little wider than shoulder width. Allow the bar to hang in your grasp. Then, lower the bar with your lower back arched and your butt and shoulders back.

When the bar reaches about two inches above the knee cap, use your traps, shoulders, hips, and legs in unison to bring the bar to your chest. Once the bar is there, gravity will bring it back down. Use your hips and legs as shock absorbers.


I like to use a weight-to-rep concept scheme here. Whichever weight I use, that's how many reps I do. So, if I use a 50-pound dumbbell, I do 50 reps per set, per arm. If I bite off more than I can chew, I'll challenge myself to take a rest-pause approach.

The important thing to remember about this movement is that it starts from the elbow. Imagine a string on your elbow, with a puppetmaster pulling it to move your arm. Don't lose this concept—it'll help your form when you get tired.


Add this exercise to the end of a workout as a finisher. Position yourself as you would a normal low-cable fly by grasping the opposite pulleys with opposite hands. Keep your lower back arched, knees bent, and hips set back.

The exercise starts when your elbows have a 45-degree angle to your shoulder joint. Keep your arms in the same position and focus on driving that elbow up about 1-2 inches above your shoulder. Get a good squeeze at the top of the motion.


Use a rope and attach it to the low part of a vertical adjustable cable rack. Stand about two feet from the attachment to get the correct angle for recruiting those traps. To use this exercise as a burner, don't pause or rest at the top—keep the movement constant. This will get tough, but dig deep and finish.

Challenge yourself by picking a weight that's heavy enough for you to be begging for the end of the set, but not so heavy that getting there requires cheating.

Sum IT UP!

Invest in a set of power-lifting wrist strap on all of these lifts. If you don't use them, you'll be at a disadvantage. Your grip will fail well before your traps do—I can promise you that. Now get in the gym and hit those traps!

Saturday 14 May 2016

4 Exercises That Will Broaden Your Back Muscles

 4 Exercises That Will Broaden Your Back Muscles

When most guys first get to the gym, they have one goal in mind: a six-pack. And that's fine. But take a look at the more skilled men moving the heavy iron, and you'll notice they've all turned their attention to the muscles they can't normally see in the mirror—their back. Building an powerful, wide back is crucial to your overall aesthetic. Not only is a wide back imposing by itself, but it also makes your waist look smaller, increasing the ever important 'V' look all bodybuilders seek.

On your next back day, add in these four exercises. Pretty soon, you'll be able to see your back in the mirror without having to turn around—that's how big your lats will be.

Straight-Arm Push-downs:

Unlike most back exercises, which typically leverage some bicep strength, straight-arm push-downs almost exclusively isolate the lats—so they really fire up your lat development.

Using the straight bar attachment on the weight stack, bring the bar to eye level. Keeping your arms straight, push the bar down to your thighs while leaning forward at the top (emphasizing stretch). Bring the bar back up slowly, and don't let it go past eye level. Do 5 sets of 15 reps.

One-Arm Lat Pull-down:

These effectively isolate the lats, resulting in a serious increase in back width. Put the single-handle attachment on the lat pull-down stack, and sit so you have enough room to fully extend your arm upwards. Grasp the handle with one hand, feeling a stretch at the farthest extension, and pull down the handle to shoulder level.

One-arm lat pulldowns should also be done with the strictest of form—don't be afraid to lighten the load if it means getting perfect reps. Do 5 sets of 10-15 repetitions. 

Wide-Grip Pull-ups:

Wide-grip pull-ups are absolutely essential to developing an impressively wide back. They are more lat-intensive than their normal grip counterpart.

To perform wide-grip pullups, grasp the pullup bar wider than shoulder width, and make sure to come all the way down on each rep. Pull yourself all the way up so that the pullup bar is at around chest level. Do these with strict form—no swinging or kipping. Go all the way down and all the way up. Once you can do 10 strict wide-grip pullups, start adding weight.

Do 5 sets to failure in this exercise.

V-Grip Pull-ups:

Put the V-Grip attachment (sometimes called a V-Bar) over the top of the pull-up bar, pull yourself up and touch your chest to the attachment. Concentrate on using your lats and upper back to pull yourself up. Keep these strict—no swinging. Do 5 sets to failure.

Friday 13 May 2016

The 5 Foods To Avoid If You Desire A Chiseled 6 Pack Abs

The 5 Foods To Avoid If You Desire A Chiseled 6 Pack Abs

Carrying a spare fat around your belly? You're not alone: 54 % of U.S. adults now have abdominal obesity, up from 46 % in 2000, according to the latest report in the Journal of the American Medical Association. If you are found in that category (male abs are considered fat if the waist measures more than 40 inches), you need to consider reducing your consumption of these five foods:

1. Refined Grains:

Not sure what a refined grain is? It's an ingredient found in foods like white rice, white bread, and regular white pasta. The unrefined stuff (whole wheat, brown rice and quinoa) is without doubt healthier. 

Pennsylvania State University researchers found that people who ate whole grains in addition to keeping a healthy diet—of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and protein—lost more weight from the abdominal area the group of people who kept the same healthy diet but ate all refined grains.

2. Potato Products:

The foods associated with the greatest weight gain? You guessed it—potato chips, french fries and potatoes. 

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine followed the weight changes of more than 120,000 men and women for up to 20 years. The participants were checked every four years and, on average, they gained 3.35 pounds each time—so almost 17 pounds by the time the study was finished. 

3. Red and Processed Meat:

The same 20-year study found that people who ate more red and processed meat gained weight, too—about one extra pound every four years. In another study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers worked with more than 370,000 people and found that folks who ate the equivalent of a small steak a day gained about five pounds in five years.

4. Diet Soda/Cold-Drinks:

You can get fooled by the zero-calorie label, yet soft drinks made with sugar substitutes are believed by many to play a big role in fat gain. A new study published this month discovered that individuals who drank diet soda gained almost x 3 the amount of abdominal fat over 9 years as those who didn't drink the no-cal stuff. 

Recent research from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that mice consuming water with artificial sweeteners (Saccharin, Aspartame and Sucralose) became susceptible to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance—2 things known to lead to weight gain. 

5. Frosting:

Those cupcakes your coworker makes for special occasions? Yeah, don't eat them. While the FDA has basically declared war on trans fats, store-bought frosting still contains a not-so-healthy dose of the stuff. How bad can trans fats be? Researchers at Wake Forest University gave groups of monkeys two different diets; one group ate trans fats and the other ate unsaturated fats. 

The results: The group eating trans fats upped their body weight by 7.2 % in 6 years and the other only gained 1.8 percent. Not only did the trans fats add new fat, it was also responsible for moving fat from other areas to the belly. Check for trans fat in other foods like pre-made baked goods, snack foods, and frozen pizzas.

Monday 2 May 2016




What went in the wrong direction, plus the correct way to increase your strength levels and get bigger & better.

A number of factors influence the body’s ability to pack on gains—your sleep schedule, your diet plan, your training program, even your state of mind. You could seriously go nuts trying to figure out what went wrong. Adjust your program, and you’ll be back to building that jacked physique you desire in no time.

1. You Sacrifice Quality Sleep:

Plain and simple: If you’re not getting quality sleep each evening, your muscles will not grow. “Lack of sleep increases your body's level of cortisol (a stress hormone), wreaks havoc on the body's human growth hormone and suppresses the body from properly storing glycogen—all things that can have a negative impact on muscle growth” . “Plus, if you're not sleeping, you're not training at 100 percent and you’re not improving.”

 Aim for 7 and a half hrs of shut-eye each evening. Shut down all electronics at least half-hour before going to bed. If you typically have trouble dozing off, you might want to consider taking a hot shower or bath before bedtime, too.

2. You Don’t Consume Enough Protein:

If you want to look more pumped, you need to pump up the protein. The reason: protein contains amino acids, the compounds that help build and repair muscle tissue. “If you don’t consume enough amino acids it can hinder your muscle growth”.

 Aim for 1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body-weight each day. That means a 200-pound man should get between 109 and 154 grams daily. And remember, it doesn’t all have to come from things like chicken, fish, red meat, and eggs. Like their animal-based counterparts, quinoa and Ezekiel bread (to name but a couple) are both sources of plant-based complete proteins, meaning they contain all eight amino acids the body needs to fuel your muscles but cannot produce on its own.

3. You’re an Alcoholic Chap:

“It’s fine to enjoy a cold one every once in a while, but throwing back too many inhibits the body’s ability to help muscles recover." How? “When you drink alcohol, the body calls on antioxidants that are typically used for muscle growth to help metabolize the alcohol.”

 If you want all of your hard work to pay off, cut out the booze altogether. Not an option? Limit yourself to one evening of indulgence per week and follow each round with a glass of water to slow your pace and reduce the number of drinks you down throughout the evening. Simply knowing your drink limit ahead of time can help you stay on track with your goals.

4. You’re Doing Alot of Cardio exercise:

If you recently upped your weekly mileage or started taking a weekly spin class with your girlfriend (no judgment!), that could be the reason you’re looking a little on the puny side. “While cardio is great for body fat loss, if you do too much of it, it can put your body in a catabolic, or muscle-burning state”.

 “If your goals are to increase size and strength, cardio workouts should not dominate your program”. “HIIT workouts and easy cardio sessions can be slotted into your program, but your first priority should be fitting in three or four weight training days. If you don’t tend to get too sore between workouts, feel free to add in a cardio session here or there, but not at the expense of your recovery.”

5. You’re Over-Training:

Not only does over training up your risk of injury and workout boredom, it can hinder your progress, too. “Many guys think the harder they go, the bigger the gains, and that’s not true”. “If you're not taking time away from the gym, your body doesn’t have time to rebuild itself stronger and bigger than it was before. 

Taking 1-2 days off for every seven days of training.

6. You Avoid Carbohydrates:

While nutrient-void sources of carbs (candy, pizza, white bread, etc.) shouldn’t regularly make an appearance in your diet, it’s important to remember that all carbs are not the enemy. In fact, cutting back on carbs too harshly may be the very reason your flex is starting to look a bit flabby. “When you are low on carbs you’re not giving your muscles the glycogen they need to hit the weights hard. This can affect muscle growth and make you feel weak,” explains White.

Keep complex, slow-digesting carbs in your diet plan (oatmeal, Ezekiel bread, whole grains, quinoa, beans, and fruit) and limit the processed starchy junk.

7. You’re Dehydrated:

“When gaining muscle mass is the goal, it’s common for people to focus on ingesting carbs and proteins. But when it comes to water and adequate hydration, many guys leave their muscles out to dry”. Water is crucial for digestion so when you don’t get enough of it, it can negatively impact this process.” The result: Your muscles won’t be fed the nutrients they need to grow. “Plus when you’re not adequately hydrated, it’s more difficult to go all out at the gym, which can further impact your results.”

“Make sure that you’re throwing back half of your body weight in ounces of water per day,” . (That means a 200 pound guy should sip 100 ounces, or 12.5 cups of H20 daily.) “And if you're thirsty, you're dehydrated. So even if you’ve already hit your water quota, drink up!”

8. You Only Workout Prize Muscles:

If you only train what you are able show off at the beach (i.e. biceps and abs) it won’t help you gain overall mass, warns White. “The legs and back are two of your biggest muscles. If you don’t train them, you’re not tapping into your full muscle growth potential. Plus, only training your trophy muscles could result in injury-causing imbalances that could keep you out of the gym long term.”

 Hit all areas of your body in equal amounts—and don’t forget to include forward, backward, and lateral movements, and things like mobility training.

9. You Don’t Change Things Up:

“Your muscles need to be worked at different angles, volumes and intensities to remain challenged. Working the same muscles, in the same way, can limit your gains”.

Weather you’re an intermediate lifter or more advanced, you’ll likely need to change up your program every six to eight weeks. “If you notice that your strength or physical results are starting to plateau, it’s a good time to weave in some new exercises and mix up your rep and weight selections. To challenge yourself further, make sure to include exercises that focus on your areas of weakness, whether that be quad strength or flexibility.”

10. You’re Stressed Out always:

“Stress increases levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that increases appetite and fat storage. It also inhibits the use of glucose by the body’s cells”. This can cause muscle proteins to break down, inhibiting muscle growth.

Hit all areas of your body in equal amounts—and don’t forget to include forward, backward, and lateral movements, and things like mobility training.