Monday 16 May 2016

Develop Gigantic Trapezius: 5 Steps To Bigger Traps

Develop Gigantic Trapezius: 5 Steps To Bigger Traps

You may have the biggest arms on the earth, but if they're not coupled with some boulder shoulders or thick, tall traps, you're going to look silly. Build the traps you want with these 5 movements!

Yeah you notice the guys with the full-size arms, but you're mesmerized by the guys with the big traps. You know damn well they put in their time and didn't miss their workouts because they were too "tired." You commend them for their ability to grow those hills on their shoulders and secretly covet a flexed pair.

If your body resembles that of a bobblehead toy, get ready to take some notes. Trap training is not for the faint of heart. It takes real effort and guts.

Not everyone agrees about which day is perfect for trapezius training. Some say shoulder day, and others say back day. If truth be told, you're going to hit your traps on both of these days; but if you want my personal opinion, I find I am able to better concentrate on my traps while I train shoulders. My back day is usually centered on my mid-back and lats. On shoulder day, on the other hand, I get to contract my traps for added benefit.

To build those big-boy traps, here are some of my favorite exercises. Add two of these 5 movements to your regular shoulder routine:



You can perform this using a straight Olympic bar, dumbbells, the diamond/hex/trap bar, or even cables. The type of weight you use doesn't matter, but how you perform the movement is what separates the men from the boys.

Obviously, I like the heavy volume approach. Picking the correct weight is the trick: let's say you can deadlift that bar 10 times but the 11th rep would be ridiculously taxing and almost unachievable. If this is the case, then I believe you have the correct weight.

Once you select a weight, pick up the bar and then let it hang so you can feel a stretch in your neck and traps. You should feel some pulling, but no discomfort. When you pull up on the bar, make sure you focus hard on your traps. Don't use your triceps or biceps and try to limit your shoulder involvement. Use that mind-muscle connection. At the top of the movement, squeeze those traps.

This amount of volume is tough, but you're in this for the long haul. You may need a cheer leading squad to help you finish. Once you complete the first 50 reps, pat yourself on the back and regroup for the next two sets.


Grab an Olympic bar and add weight that's about 50 percent more than you would use on a strict-form upright row. Grasp the bar with an under-hand grip with your hands a little wider than shoulder width. Allow the bar to hang in your grasp. Then, lower the bar with your lower back arched and your butt and shoulders back.

When the bar reaches about two inches above the knee cap, use your traps, shoulders, hips, and legs in unison to bring the bar to your chest. Once the bar is there, gravity will bring it back down. Use your hips and legs as shock absorbers.


I like to use a weight-to-rep concept scheme here. Whichever weight I use, that's how many reps I do. So, if I use a 50-pound dumbbell, I do 50 reps per set, per arm. If I bite off more than I can chew, I'll challenge myself to take a rest-pause approach.

The important thing to remember about this movement is that it starts from the elbow. Imagine a string on your elbow, with a puppetmaster pulling it to move your arm. Don't lose this concept—it'll help your form when you get tired.


Add this exercise to the end of a workout as a finisher. Position yourself as you would a normal low-cable fly by grasping the opposite pulleys with opposite hands. Keep your lower back arched, knees bent, and hips set back.

The exercise starts when your elbows have a 45-degree angle to your shoulder joint. Keep your arms in the same position and focus on driving that elbow up about 1-2 inches above your shoulder. Get a good squeeze at the top of the motion.


Use a rope and attach it to the low part of a vertical adjustable cable rack. Stand about two feet from the attachment to get the correct angle for recruiting those traps. To use this exercise as a burner, don't pause or rest at the top—keep the movement constant. This will get tough, but dig deep and finish.

Challenge yourself by picking a weight that's heavy enough for you to be begging for the end of the set, but not so heavy that getting there requires cheating.

Sum IT UP!

Invest in a set of power-lifting wrist strap on all of these lifts. If you don't use them, you'll be at a disadvantage. Your grip will fail well before your traps do—I can promise you that. Now get in the gym and hit those traps!

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