Tuesday 20 June 2017

L-Arginine- The Secret Bodybuilding Gem

L-Arginine The lesser known Benefits Of L-Arginine in Fitness & Bodybuilding

L-arginine is a semi-essential or conditionally non-essential amino acid, meaning that it is not required in a healthy diet plan. While it qualifies as a non-essential amino acid because it is produced in human beings, supplementation is sometimes helpful, especially for athletes and bodybuilders. Dietary sources of L-arginine include whole wheat, nuts, seeds, dairy food, poultry, red meat and fish. It is significant for cellular functions, muscle mass growth and in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.

Image result for arginine

1- Muscle Development:

L-arginine contributes to muscle growth because it is needed for the synthesis of most proteins in our body. While the muscle mass increases, L-arginine also signals muscle cells, encourages the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and promotes fat metabolism. The overall result is the well-toned, sculpted lean muscle mass sought by bodybuilders. By reducing the fat accumulation under the skin and promoting muscle growth, L-arginine can increase your strength needed for bodybuilding.

2- Boosting the Immune System:

L-arginine helps maintain general fitness by boosting the immune system. It cleans up free radicals and increases the effectiveness of the cells of the immune system. Since bodybuilding takes you through repeated physical stress and increases the chances of infections and muscle breakdown, it is important to ensure that the immune system is always up to the mark.

3- Vasodilation and Stamina:

Increased strength through building muscle mass is not the only benefit of L-arginine for bodybuilding. By serving as a precursor for the vasodilator- Nitric Oxide, L-arginine promotes endurance and muscle conditioning. When NO is released, it widens the blood vessels by relaxing the muscles of their walls. This lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow to the muscles during workouts. The increased blood flow means that oxygen and nutrients are adequately supplied to your muscles and for longer amounts of time. It serves as Pump Maximiser while you hit that iron in the gym. This can help reduce muscle damage, promote healing and provide peak performance. 

4- Use as Supplements:

There is no typical L-arginine dosage in bodybuilding, but a range of 2-30 g daily is accepted. However, to reduce the frequency of side effects such as sickness, diarrhea and weakness, you should start with a low dose of 3-5 g daily, taken pre and post-workout. After the first week, you may increase the dosage to a point where the benefits are maximized and the side effects are fairly low. L-arginine supplements should also be taken in cycles by discontinuing the routine after every 2  months and resuming it after another 2 months.